Romeo A. Robitaille
Pawtucket, RI
QCWA # 35454
Hello, we may have just worked. If so, I'm glad we made the contact. If it was a short contact, here is just a little history about me and I hope to hear you again soon.
I was first licensed in May of 1954 as a Novice at the age of 14 and have held the same call ever since. I have lived in the city of Pawtucket, in the state of Rhode Island most of my life. The name of the city "Pawtucket" is a native Indian name meaning "Place of Great Falls". Although many things have changed around the city, the falls are still there in it's center. Like the city, Ham Radio has changed, but it's still there. I can remember the excitement at making my first contact, even thought it was only a few city blocks away, on 80 meter CW. It has been many years since that time but the thrill is still there when making a rare or new contact and I still get a great deal of enjoyment having a good QSO when meetng old and new friends on the air.
During the years that followed, I served in the US Navy as an Aviation Electronics Technician in squadrons and aboard Aircraft Carriers. Raised a family and graduated college. I worked for a major defense contractor for 34 years in various capacities from Junior Manufacturing Test Engineer to Manufacturing Test Operations Manager.
I am now retired and enjoying Ham Radio even more, spending a portion of my time operating mobile/portable using SSB, PSK and some CW. My equipment has always been simple and low power (under 150 watts, home brewed in the early years), using wire, verticals and small mini beam antennas. I currently have three stations comprised of a Yaesu FT-990 fixed location station with an R7 Vertical and a 20 thru 6 meter 3 element mini beam. A Yaesu FT-857 mobile station using a Tarheel II antenna with 4 different whips (32", 56", 9ft, & 12ft) depending upon where I am operating. I also have a 2nd Yaesu FT-857, 12 volt power supply and Signal Link USB Sound Card mounted in a briefcase and various portable antennas which I use for portable operations. Although I'm not big on contesting I still enjoy the hunt for DXCC and enjoy Museum Ships Weekend and other special event operations.
Best of 73 and hope to work you again
June 05, 2015