W1DF - April 1, 1984
George Grammer
West Hartford, CT
QCWA # 319
George Grammer 3AIH - W1DF *1905-1984* Born in Philadelphia -IEEE Engineer and contributor. Inducted into CQ Hall of Fame 2002, Editor ARRL Handbook, Technical dept manager, senior technical editor for the League. These were the early times of Russ Hull who was an Aussie and worked with Grammer in the League. Described as author of legendary construction articles and well known in the 1930s. His efforts of the ARRL Handbook were normally sold out.
In 1943 Grammer got a leave of absence from The ARRL in Newington CT and aided the war effort stationed at Remington Rand Tube section developing TV orthicon cameras guidance systems.
At a time when TVI was a monstrosity thorn in the side to ham radio hobby with 21 MHZ I.F.s utilized in early TV sets, George and others cured the problem with a good design of a High Pass filters in those primitive TV sets. A 15 Meter operator in those days owed a debt of gratitude to George's designs. Grammer's obit in QST Jun 1984 page 44. Displayed below is a 3AIH QSL card from Audubon NJ dated 1927 - Prior to 1928 there were no W or K prefixes.
George's books are still available for sale on the Internet -
A. Transmission line Fundamentals
B. Understanding Amateur Radio
C. Course in radio Fundamentals
D. Antenna Handbook
Mr. Grammer expired at West Hartford CT in 1984. He had many friends and admirers. Many have his last name misspelled on internet searches, but Social Security records show (Grammer) We can observe from his QSL card that he enjoyed world wide DX contacts and held a high position on DXCC.
W8SU 2008
