Lawrence W. 'Larry' Banks
Woburn, MA
QCWA # 27059
Chapter 134
Active from both Woburn MA (FN42kl) and Harpswell ME (FN43xs).
First licensed in 1962 as KN1VFX (Novice) and then K1VFX (Technician). Acquired W1DYJ in 1966.
I was active on the 60's from Stratford, CT. Starting with a HB and rock-bound 807 on 80M CW. My favorite band was 6M with a HB 2E26 plate modulated with a pair of 6L6s feeding a rooftop 6 element homebrew (ARRL design) yagi. Barely active during the 70's and 80's, due to marriage and kids, I became active again in 1994 from Woburn MA, with a TS-430S and FT-736R. I replaced the above with a Kenwood TS-2000 in 2001 after obtaining my Extra Class license in 2000.
In 2008 we bought a second home in Harpswell, Maine and I am bringing up a second station there. First with a TS-450SAT, I replaced this with a TS-590 in January 2013. I mostly enjoy contesting and chasing DX -- from grid squares to countries -- and modeling/building/testing antennas.
I retired in 2012 after 24 years of Diagnostic Cardiac equipment R&D development and management with Hewlett-Packard Medical Products Group, followed by 19 years providing and managing Technical and Legal Education with HP, Agilent Technologies and Avago Technologies.
Check out my web site: http://www.qsl.net/w1dyj/
100% QSL via Direct, Bureau, or LotW (preferred).
73 -- Larry -- W1DYJ
May 24, 2015