W1GUD - April 6, 2015
Warren C. Elly
Tampa, FL
QCWA # 35847
Yesterday Warren Elly W1GUD, became a silent key losing his battle with adrenal cancer. Warren was originally from New England but came to Florida in the 1980's and had been a licensed amateur radio operator for over 50 years.
Warren had served as the trustee of the W4DUG call sign for the Tampa Amateur Radio Club (TARC) and had served TARC through the many years from the days (when their clubhouse was) on Davis Islands until his passing. He was the driving force behind the Field Day success of placing 2ND nationwide and spearheaded the antenna project at the clubhouse that brought the TARC Clubhouse that portion of their remarkable facility. Warren was a regular Net Control Station on the South Coast Amateur Radio Service (SCARS) Net on 7251 KHz. He was an avid fan of AM broadcasting, especially with his favored boat anchor equipment, yet he was in the forefront of innovation recently acquiring a Flex software defined radio.
Warren was very well known to the public as a news reporter for WTVT Channel 13 news from 1982 until his retirement in 2011. Warren never retired from one of his main hobbies: amateur radio. Warren was an inspiration to all that knew him and he will be truly missed. Warren is survived by his wife Lona, his sons, and grandchildren.
Content of this press release and photo are courtesy of the Tampa Amateur Radio Club and WTVT websites