2010 Arrl Field Day |
Howard E. Hecht
Statesville, NC
QCWA # 35448
I've had a lifelong interest in ham radio, and have been licensed for more than 45 years. I'm still fascinated by the ability radio waves have to connect us together.
My interests in ham radio are varied, from HF to V/UHF operation, voice and digital. Unfortunately I've allowed the CW skills I worked so hard to acquire to stagnate. I enjoy mobile operation, and am set up in my truck with an IC-706Mk2G with a Tarheel model 100 controlled by a Turbo Tuner. Also an FT-8800 for 2 & 440, and crossband if necessary. I also from time to time run my TH-D7G in the truck for APRS.
At home the HF rig to a Yaesu FTDX-3000, and currently utilize my 1986 IC-735 as a back-up rig. The antenna situation is meager, with only a low G5RV for HF. For VHF (2M) I run an Icom IC-28H.
I've been active in ARES, RACES and other EmComm activities since I've been licensed, and enjoy working with others to provide this vital backup for our local Emergency Management as well as other agencies. I enjoy working with NBEMS (FLDIGI) and Winlink 2000, both on HF and VHF. I am set up to operate these from home or in the truck.
The truck is used to pull an Arctic Fox 27-5L fifth wheel camping trailer. We enjoy camping with friends, and spend many days (and nights!) in our rig.
Moved from CT to NC in 2008 to get out of the "everybody's in a hurry to go nowhere" mentality of the Northeast.

February 17, 2017