W1LUH - March 11, 2011
Joseph Leferson
Stamford, CT
QCWA # 18348
Joseph Leferson, 96, died Thursday, March 10, 2011.
Joe devoted his life to family, friends, and to those he didn´t even know. He was an active ham radio operator since WWII, and delighted in passing messages through the Connecticut Phone Net as needed. He was the founder of SARA, the Stamford Amateur Radio Association.
He was an enthusiastic volunteer firefighter and ambulance driver for the Springdale Fire Department and worked at Machlett Labs in Springdale until starting his own business, Radio Communications Service Inc., installing and servicing 2-way radios for police, fire and other essential service organizations. He was a past president of both the Springdale Lions Club and the North Stamford AARP.
After he retired, Joe went to work at Stolt-Neilson repairing electronics. When he left Stolt, he worked into his 90´s at Sunrise Assisted Living facility in Stamford, "taking care of the old people" as he always said. He had a wonderful sense of humor and loved playing "devil´s advocate" in many conversations. Joe will be deeply missed by his family, friends, and all who knew him.

Joe and Perl