W1NXP 1919 - 2009
Nathan W. Talbot
Westborough, MA
QCWA # 11650
Chapter 112
First Call: W1NXP in 1946
Nathan W. Talbot
WESTBORO, Mass. -- Nathan W. Talbot, 89, of 4 Hancock Way, died April 22, 2009, in UMass Memorial Healthcare, Worcester, Mass.
He was born in Winchester, NH, and served as a lieutenant in the US Air Force.
He was a prisoner of war for more than three years in Luzon, Phillippines. During a typhoon, the cage he was in blew over and ruptured, and he escaped with some comrades to become a member of Philippine guerrilla forces as a radioman. He was a survivor of the Bataan Death March, and he contacted the Australian forces by radio and they arranged for a submarine to rescue him off the island as he was the one who created the plans for General Douglas MacArthur's return to the Philippines.
For many years he was an engineer for the FAA and retired from the Nashua FAA Center and moved to Lake Worth, Fla. He was a member of Congregation B'Nai Shalom of Westboro, was a past president of the Exchange Clubs, both in Nashua and Lake Worth. He was a member of the Metro-West Jewish War veterans and the Disabled American War Veterans.
He was an avid ham-radio amateur, and his call letters were W1NXP. He was a former member of the Nashua Country Club and he enjoyed golf and curling.
Family members include his wife of 64 years, Irene M. (Sherr) Talbot of Westboro; two sons, Gil Talbot of Pembroke, N.H., and Seth Talbot of West Lynn, Ore.; six grandchildren; nieces and nephews.
SERVICES: The funeral is Friday at 11 a.m. in Perlman Funeral Home, 1026 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Burial will be in B'nai B'rith Cemetery, Worcester. Memorial observance will be announced at the time of the funeral.
Memorial contributions may be made to The Homeless War Veterans, 6 Grove St., Worcester, Mass.; or to Congregation B'nai Shalom, Westboro, Mass.
Published in the Union Leader on 4/24/2009