Willard A. Revas
Oxford, CT
QCWA # 20370
Chapter 149
I was first licensed at age 14 in 1956 as WN1MBX. I upgraded to W1MBX by December and to Extra Class in June, 1963. Served in USN and was stationed in Puerto Rico where I was licensed as KP4DBJ. I applied for W1TS in 1976 and have held it since.
My interests currently include DX, QRP, Contesting, CW, 10 Meters, and Straight Key Night using my old Heathkit AT-1. Also a Life Member of ARRL, A-1 OP, QCWA (Chapter #149), and Telephone Pioneers.
Currently retired from Connecticut's Southern New England Telephone Company (SNET) after 27 years and enjoy restoring Model-T Fords. I have a 1911 Touring, 1912 Touring, 1915 Roadster, 1922 Coupe, and 1924 Fordor. A 25th anniversary (1928) and 100th anniversary (2003) Harley-Davidsions also are in my collection.
My current rigs are: SSB/CW: Yaesu FT-2000, Kenwood TS-2000, Icom IC-718, QRP: Small Wonder Labs DSW-40 (2.5 Watts), AM: DX-100-B, DX-60-B, and Hammarlund HQ-150. Antennas: Hi-Gain Explorer Tri-Bander, 200' Doublet with open wire feeders, and a 160 meter doublet. Antique: Heathkit AT-1, National NC-88, and Hallicrafters S-40. Mobile: FT-857-D and ATAS-120
October 23, 2014