Norma J. Kornacki
Norwich, CT
QCWA # 11670
Chapter 149
Licensed 60+ years. Originally licensed in October 1951 as WN1UBM (Norma Jean Guile). Updated to General Class (Boston FCC examination)in November 1951. First licensed YL in Southeastern Connecticut, first youngest married member of YLRL, and first female member of the Tri-City Radio Club. First Novice to WAS and upgrade to General Class License during the Hallicrafters 1951-1952 Merit Awards. Winner of a Hallicrafters S-76 Receiver. A CW operator (20 wpm) and DX operator. Upgraded to Advanced Class in 1952. Chartered the Radio Amateur Society of Norwich (RASON)with several other local hams. First secretary of RASON.
Awards: WAS, WAC, DXCC, ARRL Award for emergency service during the catastrophic flooding in Norwich, CT. Provided emergency communication during the Air France plane crash in Preston City, CT., QCWA 60 year award issued 2011.
Memberships: ARRL, QCWA Life Member #11670, QCWA Chapter #149(Charter Mbr), QCWA Yankee Chapter #112(Charter Mbr), QCWW Charter Mbr #6, YLRL, WRONE, OOTC #3453, Low-Key Contesters Club WC4CW, Connecticut Society of Genealogists, Norwich Historical Society,DAR Vice Regent(Daughters of the American Revolution), DAR Eastern CT Research Genealogist, Eastern Star and the Shrine Ladies. The additional pic (W1YOC and W1UBM)was taken on a mountain side, June 2008 while visiting son Jim (KG7E)at Mackay, Idaho.
Operation: 2mtrs, HF (10mtrs thru 80mtrs). Equipment: ICOM 765. Antenna is an Alpha Delta, DXDD 80-40 dipole and a Cushcraft R6000 6 band vertical antenna.
Family Members Licensed: Son - Jim, KG7E *(Idaho-formerly South Carolina) Daughter-in-law - Laurie, W7LBK.
Dad - Woody, W1EBO(Deceased 2/2002), OM-Walt, W1YOC (Deceased 03/17/2011)
Children: Sons - Jon, James, Richard, David and Michael; Grandchildren: Nicole,Leah, Sarah, Daniel, Anjay, Ryan and Kyle
Other Hobbies: Computers, Music (keyboard), Collectibles, Travel, Genealogy Research
Occupation: Retired Security Manager (Facility Security Officer) for Government Contractors
April 17, 2015