W1US - March 22, 2007
Robert J. 'Doc' Kelemen
Andover, VT
QCWA # 27231
Chapter 146
Born 1922
Andover, VT - Robert J. Kelemen, 74, a ham-radio enthusiast with many friends in the Upper Valley, died March 22, 2007, at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon.
He was born in Park Ridge, NJ on Oct 24, 1922. A former Boy Scout, he continued his dedication to the organization throught his life. He ws equally proud to serve his country in the Signal Corps during WWII.
Me Kelemen received BS degrees in Electrical and Administrartive Engineering from Tri-State College in Indiana in 1949. He also had a Masters Degree in engineering from City College of New York. During his 48 years in the engineering profession, he was president of Wittie Electric and American Engineering Consultants and was a professor at Newark College of Engineering and Princeton University. He retired to Vermont in 1982.
He was a brother of the Fulton Friendship Lodge 102 F&AM and a member of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.
He was predeceased by a sister, Elaine Justine Lelemen Smith. He is survived by two sons, Robert Vincent Keleman of the Philippines and Marc Paul Kelemen of Westlake, Ohio; four grandchildren; and cousins, nieces and nephews, several in the Upper Valley.
A memorial service will be held at the Kelemen residence in Andover at 11:30 am on Saturday.
Eteranal Blessings Creamation Service of Guilford, VT assisted in the arrangements.
Ray, K1XV, President of Chapter 144 and Vice President of CH. 146 of QCWA sent the following mail to CVFMA today:
I heard today that Doc, W1US, of Andover VT died Thursday afternoon at Dartmouth Hitchcock. While he suffered from cancer for almost 10 years, he ultimately died after surgery for a bleeding ulcer. This had followed a heart attack. He was, I believe, 84.
As I learn more I will share more info. I understand that there will probably be some kind of memorial in Chester VT at some point.
Ray K1XV
We hope to have biographical and Memorial information on the web sites as soon as possible.
Ed, N5EI
From e-ham.net;
My friend Doc, W1US, died today. I had only known him for about 4 years, but as my ham neighbor, I did a lot with him over that time. Doc battled cancer for almost 10 years. In the end, he died of something else. As he saw the end of life approaching, he always savored every day on earth. He wanted to go to Dayton with me this summer, and I would have taken him. Doc had a very elaborate antenna system with multiple towers, including a 200 footer, and a 75 meter four square. I suspect all that will now be removed. Doc had a PhD in engineering, and was very knowledgable and curious about the universe right up to the end. RIP Doc, as you QSY to a higher plane.
Raymond Makul (K1XV)
I'm very sad to hear of Doc's passing. I met him about 15 years ago when another friend, Seth K1LOM (sk) brought him to my house to purchase an amplifier I had forsale. He was dressed in a beret and was wearing Irish kilts.. He was most interesting to talk to and invited me to visit his hilltop station in Vermont. I'm sorry I never got the chance. RIP Doc.
Steve (K2WE)
Vy 73 Doc... you were always a gentleman, generous, gracious, inquisitive, and up for a new challenge. I know you'll be appreciated up there too! Thanks for all you shared with us.