W1WTG - May 21, 2016
Charles L. 'Charlie' Chapman
Virginia Beach, VA
QCWA # 27194
Chapter |119|43|126|134|112|
Charles Lenard (Charlie) Chapman, 77, passed away in Virginia Beach, VA on May 21, 2016 with family at his side. Charlie was born in Augusta, Maine on November 16, 1938 to the late Harold and Beatrice Chapman. He retired from the Department of Defense as an Electrical Engineer.
Charlie is survived by his wife, JoAnn; children, Michael and his wife, Victoria and their children, Timothy and Josiah Chapman, all of Virginia Beach, VA; Scott and his children, Isaac Chapman and Rhiannon Bogie of Suffolk, VA; Eric and his wife, Amy and their children, Emma and Kate Chapman of Apex, NC; a sister, Melicent and her husband, Harvey Versteeg of Augusta, ME and their children and spouses, John and Kathy Versteeg of Merrimack, NH, Toni and Bill Cunningham of Augusta, ME; an aunt, Catherine Peggy Chapman of South Portland, ME; sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Ann and Jim Robertson of Brunswick, ME, and their children and spouses, Steve and Kelley Robertson of New Gloucester, ME and Linda and Jim Googins of North Yarmouth, ME. Charlie also is survived by step children Donna Shea of Virginia Beach, VA, Vicki and Richard Encinas of Chesterfield, VA, and Matthew and Lisa McNeal of Charlestown, IN as well as step grandchildren, Gregory Williams, Matthew Williams, Andreas Zahariadis, Angie Kiname, Alyssa Nuest and Ashley McNeal and step great grandchildren, Max Maggie and Kenyon Zahariadis, Wesley and Bradley Kinane, Tommy Cooper and Camden McNeal. He is also survived by several cousins and many, many friends.
Charlie was a long-time amateur radio operator, W1WTG, in fact, he was the youngest ham radio operator to be licensed in the State of Maine at the age of 13. He graduated from Cony High School in Augusta, ME and then from the University of Maine in Orono, ME with a degree in engineering physics. He loved his family and sports, especially his RED SOX. Charlie coached many youth baseball teams and was a father figure to lots of young boys. He was extremely active in many organizations and associations: radio, civic, sports and alumni groups.
Charles clubs and organizations are as follows: VIRGINIA BEACH AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, past President and Vice President; Established the Norwegian Lady Special Event and the VIRGINIA BEACH YOUTH GROUP (HAMS); VIRGINIA DX CENTERY CLUB, past President and Vice President; AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NAVAL ENGINEERS, Life Member and past membership chair; NATIONAL ACTIVE AND RETIRED FEDERAL EMPLOYEES (NAFRFE), Chapter 974, Vice President and membership chair; NOSSOLANT/NAVSEACENLANT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, founder and President; CONY HIGH SCHOOL 1957 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, founder; PRINCESS ANNE PLAZA CIVIC LEAGUE (PAPCL) past President; VIRGINIA BEACH COUNCIL OF CIVIC LEAGUES, BOD; QUARTER CENTURY WIRELESS ASSOCIATION, CHAPTER 119, past President and Vice President; QCWA, CHAPTERS 134,112,126 and 45 member; WISCONSIN RADIO CLUB, member; CHESAPEAKE AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY (CARS) Member; VIRGINIA BEACH HAMFEST (TRCI BOD and established a Ham Radio Scholarship program; VALLEY SHORES ASSOCIATION, past President and Vice President; MANAGER PLASA LITTLE LEAGUE; COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN of cub scout troop; RAYMOND WATERWAYS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, BOD; PLUMMER DRIVE EMAIL ASSOCIATION, Founder; RAYMOND POND EMAIL ASSOCIATION, Founder; MAINE VOLUNTEER LAKE MONITOR, member and certified inspector; RAYMOND POND ASSOCIATION (RPA) (Founder) and President; Virginia Beach Hamfest Committee (TRCI), BOD and Stockholder rep.
His various awards and certifications are as follows:
A memorial service will begin at 1 pm, Friday, May 27 at the Smith & Williams Funeral Home, Kempsville Chapel, 4889 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. There will be another event in Augusta, Maine area in mid July and when the details are finalized more information will be posted. Please contact the immediate family for details. In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to either the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (https://donation.LLS.org) or the ARRL Foundation Scholarship fund (check made out to ARRL Foundation can be sent to 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1494).