Anthony J. 'Tony' Testa
Baldwinsville, NY
QCWA # 36939
Chapter 29
Thank you for checking out my biography. I was newly licensed in 1990. I really got the bug for radio communications when I was a kid . My father Joe, K2JVL earned his ticket in 1953, that was the year I was born. As he worked on electronic gear and repairing TV sets in the basement, I would watch him tinker. He had gear all over the place including his ham station. Well to make a long story short I got into CB stuff in the 70's. Smokey and the Bandit killed that great band. It wasn't until 1989 that I was once again watching Dad and he was at camp working a 75 meter rag-chew net with his buddies. It wasn't to long after that experience when I bought the test manuals and Dad supplied code practice tapes from Radio Shack, that's when I was well on my way to becoming a ham radio operator.
Novice/Technician: N2KHX (1/1990) (with 5 wpm code) in January 1990, RAGS in Syracuse NY
General: N2KHX (3/1990) (2 months later 13 wpm code) DARC in Newark, NY
Advance: KF2EZ (10/1991) RAGS in Syracuse, NY
Extra: W2AJT (2000) Vanity Call (This call was originally held by Arthur N. Fonskov of New Jersey who was licensed in 1934, he is a SK)
Memberships: Life Member ARRL, HOG, Membership- AMA, Life Member - Greater Baldwinsville Ambulance Corp,
Modes: Almost everything accept ATV, SSTV or Satellite.
Interest: HF mobiling, BFSK 31, CW, APRS, WX Monitoring, SkyWarn, DXing, Public Service, Ragchew, Public Service/Traffic Handling.
Equipment HF: ICOM IC- 735 and IC-718.
Equipment VHF/UHF: Kenwood, Yaesu, Alinco and ICOM equipment.
Antenna System: Cushcraft R-5 Vertical 10m -20m, Wilson vertical 10m-40m, Hamstick 20m 2 element Beam, 40/75 trap dipole, G5RV, Hustler 5 band array mobil
Personal Hx: Two adult sons, Grand-son, Grand-daughter and Step-Grandson, married 15 years.
Education: BS -Technical Education, SUNY OSWEGO, Oswego NY, AAS- SUNY College of Technology at Delhi, NYS Certified Emergency Medical Technician, AHA CPR/First aid Instructor - more than 5 years of service.
Passions: Amateur Radio, EMS (Emergency Medical Services), NASCAR auto racing, photography, history, computing,and motorcycle touring.
Motorcycle: 2006 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic (set up for 2 m/70 cm).
Professional: Compliance Training and Development Specialist for a Medical Device Mfg., Dir. WAEMRT, EMT, CPR/First Aid Instructor.
Charity Work: Greater Baldwinsville Ambulance Corps - EMT, Life Member, former Treasurer with 3.5 years of service as Treasurer, Golisano Childrens Hospital: Miracle Ride Exec. Committee member, 8 years, fundraiser, Ride Coordinator
Enjoy the bands and until next time! Happy DXing and public service ...Be well, be kind and friendly on the bands. Look Twice and Save A Life when driving on the roads!
Tony W2AJT
January 14, 2016