A selfie of me, on the last day at Broadcast Science.
The TX is a 5 KW box for Temple Public Broadcasting.
The site is WRTQ Ocean City, NJ.
A.Robert 'Bob' Pantazes
Cape Coral, FL
QCWA # 37576
Chapter 196
Since January 2010, I was given the privilege to be the QSL Manager for Raoul, ZS1C (Formally ZS1REC as of January 15, 2014) of South Africa. Please enclose an SASE (US only), SAE for out of the country QSL cards plus IRC or $ (Green Stamps) to cover the QSL cards & return postage cost. I am member of the QSL Managers Society, www.qsl.net/qslmanager
When we moved to Fort Myers, FL we purchased a house in a gated community/CC&R. I got permission to put up a Flagpole and inside of the PVC flagpole was a BTV6 HF antenna. After 2 years living with "Get Permission" to do anything, we sold the house. While we wait for the new QTH to be Built in a none CC&R city of Cape Coral, we are renting a 900 Foot Condo. HF is un-useable here since we have high voltage power line in the back yard. On April 7, we moved to Cape Coral and I was on the air on April 28, 2016
I have been a Ham Radio Operator since September of 1993; my previous call was N2WRD until May 2004 when John Dilks K2TQN suggest the call W2ARP as my vanity call.
Some of my awards are DXCC, WAC & WAS.
I am on the air with DX, contesting, QRP, portable/mobile and general rag chewing. HF, CW, PSK, RTTY VHF and UHF.
Even though my first name is Angelo, I am known by my middle name, Robert or Bob.
I have been in the electronics field for over 40 years. I am now retired, my last full time job was at the William Hughes FAA Tech Center, at the Atlantic City International Airport, as a Lab Technician. Before going to the FAA I was Field Manager of the Field Engineers at MetroCall Paging in Mt. Laurel, NJ.
When I retired from the FAA I got an offer from Jeff Depolo, WN3A to work with him at a Part Time job at Broadcast Sciences, maintaining broadcast station and Streaming Video to cell phones, high power transmitters. All was well until Workers Comp Court made me fully disable from a ladder accident at the FAA Tech Center. They could have keep the money in exchange for letting me continue to work at my dream job at Broadcast Science.
My wife Peri Jayne has her ticket, KC2AHL.
I am Past President of the ARRL Radio Club, Southern Counties Amateur Radio Association or SCARA www.k2br.com.
In January 2001 I was honored by SCARA with the award of, 'Amateur of the Year for 2000'.
I am a member and Treasuerer of the Fort Myers Amateur Radio Club www.FMARC.org. I am also a member of the Cape May County Amateur Radio Club, N2CMC www.capemaycountyamateurradioclub.org, this club is one of the best General Amateur Radio clubs in the area. Their repeater N2CMC is on 146.610- pl 88.5 CTCSS and located near the Garden State Parkway exit 12 in Cape May Court House.
I do a lot of DX, so I am also a member and treasurer of the South Jersey DX Association, N2CW or SJDXA, www.sjdxa.org. Our club station is at the end of Murphy Road (as in Murphy's Law) east of state highway 9 in West Creek, NJ. We have use of a 300 foot tower at the WYRS-FM www.wyrs.org broadcast site, plus additional 20 acres for antennas. SJDXA does participate in 3 CW & 1 Phone 160 meter contests each year, we do very well in the standings.
I also hold membership in the following clubs & organizations; the ARRL, Past officer of the Area Repeater Coordination Council www.arcc-inc.org (local repeater coordinator), QRP Amateur Radio Club, E-CARS 7.255 # 20214, 10-10 International #74851, MARAC #4303 and The Chaverim of Delaware Valley.
My Ham Shack is in the 3rd bedroom of our QTH. I use a computer in the shack, for Logging, look-ups, DX clusters. The computer is networked via a small LAN to a Cable MODEM. My HF/6M/2M/70CM rig is a 100 watt Yaesu FT-991A, Yaesu FT-450, Ameritron AL-811 RF Amp, with a Vibrocube key, the mike is a Heil model GM, Ameritron AL-811 RF Amp,the QRP rig is a Yaesu FT-817ND. For CW I built a K40 CW Keyer . I have a 40 foot tower with 3 element beam, G5RV jr. For the 2 meters side of the FT-991A I have a "J" pole.
I did modified a Staples "That was Easy" button for a desk top PTT switch I sent the write up to QST's Hints and Kinks and it was in the Oct 2011 magazine.
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The Staples Easy button is my Desk PTT,
see Oct 2011 QST in Hints and Kinks on how to build the Easy PTT.
The black box is the MFJ Voice Keyer remote control.
January 02, 2018