W2AWR - April 15, 2008
Walter E. 'Walt' Cranmer
Beach Haven, NJ
QCWA # 00441
Chapter 5
Walter E. Cranmer, 99, longtime resident of Beach Haven and former owner of Cranmer´s Hardware & Lumber Company, passed away quietly at his home with his family by his bedside.
Mr. Cranmer was the former president and chairman of the Board of the Beach Haven National Bank. His involvement with them spanned 36 years. He also served on the board of directors and later as the chairman of the board for the New Jersey Savings and Loan.
Walter was very involved with the Beach Haven Sewer Commission for many years.
At the time of his death he was one of the oldest members of the Beach Haven Volunteer Fire Department.
The Grand Lodge of the Masons awarded him his 75-year pin on October 20, 2006.
He also held his Amateur Radio license for 77 years.
During World War II he used his expertise while a member of the United States Coast Guard to teach radio communication locally and at Temple University.
He was predeceased by a sister, Mildred.
He is survived by his beautiful wife of 75 years, Heleyne, 99; his children, Larry, Lynn and Pam; two grandchildren, Stacy and Reid; two great-grandchildren, Aeden and Spenser, and two sisters, Myrtle, and Edna.
A private memorial service was held for family only. Interment was at Greenwood Cemetery in Manahawkin.
Walt married Heleyne Olivia Colt of Philadelphia on July 30, 1932

Source: The Templar, Temple University, 1930