W2BBK - January 10, 1999
J L. 'Larry' Evans
Englewood, NJ
QCWA # 577
Chapter 77
Birth Day: December 6, 1912
First Call: W3AFK in 1928 Other Call(s): W3AFK W3ZZN W3BJN W8RCP FP8AK PJ5MJ PJ8AA VP2ES
J. Lawrence Evans Jr., W2BBK, first licensed as W2BBK in 1928, QCWA Member #517 (1953), QCWA Century Club . Past President of Northern New Jersey Chapter and currently NCS for the Northern New Jersey Chapter of QCWA.
Lawrence is a member of VWOA, the Radio Club of America, SOWP, OOTC, DXCC (307 countries), and ARRL. He is active on all bands and has held DXpedition calls: FS7AA, FP8AK, ZFlES, FJSMJ, PJ8AA and VP2ES.
Lt. Col. M.C. USAR (Ret.) Two Bronze Star Medals. Chief of Rorce Radio Section and Force Surgeon, Mindanao, Guerrillas, Philippine Islands, 1943-45 (Allied lntelligence Bureau).
Diplomate, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association for "Significant Contributions" to psychiatry. Past President, N. J. Neuropsychiatric Association and N. J. District Branch, American Psyciatric Association. Former Chief, Neuro psychiatric Service, Englewood, N. J. Hospital. Co-author "A Psychiatric Glossary". Currently in private practice of neurology and psychiatry, Senior Active Staff, Engle1wood Hospital. Partner and Corporate Secretary, HES, Inc. (a health care and consultant corporation).