Andrew D. Schmidt
Poughkeepsie, NY
QCWA # 35012
*W2BOS Current:*
I have a number of current activities and assignments. I am currently an
Assistant Section Manager (2020-current) for the ARRL's Eastern New York
(ENY) section. On the local club level, I am in my second go-around as
Treasurer for the Mt. Beacon Amateur Radio Club (MBARC) from June 2020
to current.
For the National Traffic System (NTS), I am the Monday night Net Control
Station of the "Hudson Valley Net" (HVN), the area's local ARRL 2-meter
NTS Traffic Net. I maintain the local webpage http://www.hvnet.org for
the Hudson Valley Netand am quite proud that, to my knowledge, this is
the oldest NTS local net webpage on the Internet. Additionally, I am
also a liaison between HVN and the Southern District Net (SDN) in
Westchester County, NY. I was appointed Assistant Net Manager of HVN as
of April 2020.
I am a life member of both the ARRL and the Quarter Century Wireless
Association (QCWA #35012, Chapter 226 ("Western Hudson Valley") founding
member. I'm a member of the two Dutchess County New York local clubs
(MBARC & the QSY Society) as well as Cape Cod's Chatham Marconi Maritime
I serve as a ARRL Volunteer Examiner (VE) with over 70 exam sessions
credited and am the MBARC club liaison for VE testing since 2009, as
well as being a ARRL Registered Instructor.
I provide two different radio-related topic presentations for local
clubs. Foremost is the history of Marconi's Trans-Atlantic Radio
Communication between the USA and Europe with info and pix from Marconi
station sites that I have visited (South Wellfleet on Cape Cod in
Massachusetts, and Cornwall England's Lizard Peninsula and Poldhu Cove)
as well as the concept and technology of measuring time. My email is
"W2BOS@arrl.net" if interested in having me present at a radio club.
I hold DXCC, WAS, and WAC awards, ARRL Official Relay Station (ORS) and
Official Bulletin Station (OBS) field appointments.
*W2BOS Past:*
W2BOS is a former American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Hudson Division Assistant Director (1993-2004) and is currently an Assistant Section Manager of the ARRL's Eastern NY Section. On the current local ham radio front, he is the Corresponding Secretary (2009-2010) of as well as the Editor (June 1988-February 1996, and September 2003-current) of the Mt. Beacon Amateur Radio Club's (MBARC) newsletter and is Tuesday night Net Control Station of the Hudson Valley Net (HVN), the ARRL's National Traffic System's local net for the Mid-Hudson Valley.
Starting in 1992, Andrew organized MBARC as the official Dutchess County, NY, amateur radio club participating in the New York State Police "Pumpkin Patrol" program, guarding US Interstate Highway bridges in Dutchess County over the Halloween eve and evening.
W2BOS holds DXCC, WAS, and WAC awards, and ARRL Official Relay Station (ORS) and Official Bulletin Station (OBS) field appointments, as well as being an ARRL Volunteer Examiner (VE) with over 50 exam sessions credited. As such, he is the MBARC club liaison for ham radio testing sessions since 2009.
First licensed on 11 January 1985 as KA2WMA, W2BOS held the call N2FTR for almost 25 years. W2BOS was admitted in 2010 as a QCWA member (#35012, original amateur license awarded at least 25 years ago).
W2BOS has held a variety of organizational positions in the now-defunct Poughkeepsie Amateur Radio Club (PARC). He has served 3 terms as President, 3 terms as PARC Vice President, and 2 terms as Treasurer. In the past, W2BOS was also the Net Director for HVN and Acting NTS 2nd Region Packet Traffic Manager as well.
Originally becoming interested in radio as a tot, he helped out at historic station WBOS in Boston (transmitter located down the street from his childhood home in Newton, MA), and was also an avid SWL from the age of 5 years old using a Short Wave radio owned by his uncle, a former Army CW operator in WW II (which W2BOS still owns his 'bug' used in the war in the South Pacific). His first receiver was a crystal radio set built by his father to occupy him during recovery for tonsillitis.
He held a amateur radio license (C6/N2FTR) from the government of the Bahamas and was a station appointment (NNN0FXR) in Navy-Marine Corps Military Affiliated Radio Service (MARS). Employed by IBM as an Advisory Software Engineer in the IBM Systems and Technology Group (STG), W2BOS lives in Poughkeepsie with his wife and two daughters, none of whom have any interest in amateur radio (sigh!).
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Regards -
- Andrew
http://www.arrl.org , The National Organization for Amateur Radio -and-
http://bit.ly/VCWPAVA , Volkssport Club at West Point, a member club of the American Volkssport Association, "America's Walking Club"
January 18, 2022