W2DPP - November 13, 1986
Arthur S. 'Art' Lukach Sr
New York, NY
QCWA # 1350
We lived at the address on the application, 35 East 84th Street in NYC, since well before I was born (February 1935). Dad had his ham radio equipment in one of the 'maids' rooms that were part of the apartment. My memories of that go back to at least WWII when his ham radio activities were curtailed. Of course all his early communications were in Morse Code. He had one of those 'high speed' keys.
Mom and Dad travelled extensively, and they always made contact with his global ham correspondents (surprisingly including one or two in the Soviet Union.) He used to have a photograph on his wall of a banquet held for him by the ham association in Tokyo. And when my sister spent a year in Chandigarh, India, he kept contact with her through a local ham. One of his frequent post WWII ham correspondents was at the time, head of IEEE whose HQ then were at the NE corner of 79th Street and 5th Avenue in a beautiful old mansion - described here:

He did tell stories about how, in the early 1900s, he communicated with a friend across Park Avenue (94th Street before the openings between the street crossings were covered over) using crystal radios and Morse Code. So he did start pretty early with his ham activities.
I know he was a ham going back to the crystal radio era and was active from his New York City apartment up to his death at 90 years old in 1986.
Ham radio was one of the joys of his life.
Best regards,
Arthur S. 'Art' Lukach, Jr.