W2EEQ - June 12, 1999
John R. 'Russ' Snedeker
Wappingers Falls, NY
QCWA # 03225
Chapter 5
Russ Snedeker, W2EEQ, passed away June 12, 1999 after a long illness. Russ was our 75 meter net control operator for many years until last fall when he became ill. He was a technician for 30 years with IBM and retired in 1972. Russ was born July 11, 1915 in Trenton, NJ and He was first licensed in 1933. He held the QCWA number 1881. Russ did a great job as net control on 75 meters each Sunday and his booming presense will be missed by all!
Russ's QCWA # is 3225. Bob, N0UF, Webmaster