Richard J. Vuillequez
Webster, NY
QCWA # 29054
Retired sales/marketing executive in the automation and technology education industry . Now in a career that includes as much ham radio as possible, spending time with the 6 grandchildren, volunteering for public broadcasting and having a good time with the xyl.
Radio interests include most modes except ATV. Enjoy rag chewing on 75 and 40 meters any time of day but especially on the 3838 Breakfast Club net on 3.838 at 6:30 AM, the Hotline Net on 3.838 at 7AM and the DIY net on 3.834 at 7 AM or a little after. Starting to enjoy PSK and other digital modes and have recently upgraded the interface and software. Working DX with 25 watts on 40 meters, a lot of fun!
Shack includes a Flex 6300 as the primary rig, a Heil PR40 microphone, a Icom 706 MKIIG as the all mode VHF and back up HF rig. All are connected through W2IHY audio equipment. The amplifier is an older Alpha 78 reworked to include the WARC bands. Antennas include a Buckmaster off center fed dipole up about 45 feet and a Hex Beam at 50 feet on a roof tower. Several VHF antennas round out the rooftop scene.
Other personal interests include gardening in the warm months, down hill skiing in the winter and enjoying our extended family who are all within just a few miles from the QTH. I do attempt to go bowling every week and I mean "attempt"!
Drop in to the Breakfast Club on 3.838 any morning from about 6:15 AM through 7 AM so we can have a chat. You can also find me on the DIY net on 3.834 after 7 AM most mornings. There is a 3838 club Facebook page. I hope to meet you on the bands or in person at one of the many hamfests.
Thanks for checking up on me, my wife appreciates it.
January 01, 2016