W2FHJ 1902 - 1991
Viola A. Kapp
Little Neck LI, NY
St Petersburg, FL
QCWA # 1795
First Call: W2FHJ in 1933
From: YL News and Views - April 1953, QST
Intrigued with the higher frequencies since 1933, W2FHJ, Viola Kapp, finds that "it is looking forward to the unexpected and freak conditions which holds the interest of the v.h.f. 'diehards'."
Although Viola has worked 44 states on Six and 13 on Two and has regularly won v.h.f. contest awards, she uses low power and crystal control, using only one frequency on either two or six meters, thus proving what a simple, efficient rig along with a measure of stick-to-itiveness can do on the higher frequencies.
W2FHJ has separate 829B rigs on Two and Six, 50 and 90 watts respectively. Viola uses a 6-element beam on 144 Mc. and a 4-element affair on 50 Mc.
From: http://dokufunk.org/amateur_radio/contributions/index.php?CID=13532&ID=13542
W2FHJ - Kapp, Viola A. - USA
Born 1 March 1902 - 2174 67th Ave S, Saint Petersburg FL 33712 (Callbook 1997)
"Became interested in amateur radio in 1930 through a boy friend, and in 19333 obtained her license. Her first rig, which she helped build, was an MOPA CW and phone rig which she used on 160 m, and another homebuilt rig which she used for 5m-phone. Intrigued by the DX on 20 she got her Class A in '34 and two years later put together, with help of other Hams, a 200 w rig which she operated on 20, along with 5m phone, till 1940, receiving her pre-war DXCC and WAC certificates.". After WWII she preferred 2m and 70cm.
(Source: CQ-YL p78, and photo)