W2GDS 1921 - 2020
Arnold L. Halpern
Peabody, MA
QCWA # 15774
Chapter 138
First Call: W2GDS in 1952
Arnold L. Halpern
Oakhurst, New Jersey - April 7, 1921 - May 2, 2020
Arnold Leonard Halpern, 99, a former engineer at Fort Monmouth, died May 2 at Salem Hospital in Salem, MA after a long illness.
Mr. Halpern was born and raised in Bronx, NY, and lived in Long Branch for 55 years. In 2004, he and his wife moved to Peabody, MA.
He served in WWII in the 304th Signal Operation Battalion in New Guinea, the Philippines, and Occupied Japan. Following that, he spent his career as an electronics engineer at Fort Monmouth. He was a graduate of Stuyvesant High School and had attended Brooklyn College.
He was an active amateur radio operator, and enjoyed fishing, traveling, and other hobbies. He was also active in a number of organizations, and served for years as president of his local chapter of ARMDI (American Red Magen David for Israel), as well as president of both his local chapter of Chaverim International (a Jewish amateur radio organization) and of the national organization. He also helped a number of people earn amateur radio licenses.
He was predeceased by his parents, Benjamin and Perle Halpern, and by his wife of almost 68 years, Dorothy Kenigsberg Halpern. He is survived by his three children, Gail Marcus and her husband, Michael, of Cabin John, MD, Barton Halpern and his wife, Leslie, of Lititz, PA, and Kenneth Halpern and his wife, Diane, of Newton, MA; three grandchildren, Jason Halpern and his wife, Rebecca, Miles Halpern and his wife, Debra, and Ross Halpern, and 4 great-grandchildren, Isaac, Eli, Edith, and Golda Halpern. Golda was born 12 hours before he died, and he was able to see a video of her while he was still alert.
Interment will be at Beth Israel Cemetery in Woodbridge.