W2GUM - March 27, 2008
Anthony J. Colaguori
Long Branch, NJ
QCWA # 15950
It is with a great deal of sadness that I have to report the passing of a great Radio Amateur, Tony Colaguori, W2GUM, this morning (3/27/08).
Tony started in radio at an early age, licensed as an (original) Amateur Extra, achieved an early DXCC. He worked at Fort Monmouth at the Navesink Twin Lights lighthouse where the first Army radar was being developed, one of which was the radar that detected the Pearl Harbor bombing. He was a Sergeant in the US Army, teaching radio and radar during WWII. After the war, he returned to Fort Monmouth as a civilian, enjoying a long career in the development of Combat Net Radio and Avionics equipment.
An avid DXer for many years, on the ARRL DXCC Honor Roll, he was a member of the NJ DX Assn. He did a lot of work with GHZ "dxing". He was very involved in QRP building and operation and an early member of the NJ-QRP Club, and a member of the Marconi Chapter of the Quarter Century Wireless Association.
More recently, he was active in model radio sailboats, and as being very adept mechanically, enjoyed turning out machined fittings for many model boats. He was also very skilled at woodcarving and turned out many miniature wooden shoes he whittled.
He leaves behind his wife of many years Clara, a son Louis, a daughter Linda, brothers Albert and Frank. The obituary appeared in the Asbury Park Press. (This summary was done on the fly and I apologize for any incompleteness or errors. Please disseminate where appropriate.)
Anthony Colaguori was a super nice guy who I would always see at the ham radio meeting called Atlanticon in Timonium, MD every year. he would be there every year with his wife at the table proudly displaying his homebrew keys and his vintage transmitter. He will be missed by many I am sure.
