Michael W. 'Mike' Vinocur
Fairview, TX
QCWA # 20358
Chapter 41
Xcvr: Icom IC-7600; IC-7000
Amp: Icom IC-2KL solid state 500 watts out.
Auto Ant. Tuner Icom IC-AT500
Auto Ant. Coupler SGC SG-235
Audio: W2IHY 8 Band EQ; Electro-Voice RE27N/D mic.
Vintage AM Stations:
Xmtr: Collins 32V2 (1949) or Johnson Viking Valiant (mid '50's)
Rcvr: Collins 51J4 (1957) or Hammarlund HQ-170A (1962-68)
Microphone: D-104 w/G Stand (what else would fit the bill?)
Tarheel 200A-HP screwdriver type antenna ground mounted with 12 radials.(very restrictive community) Works great on 75 thru 10 meters.
Long wire, 70 feet consisting of 30 feet of wire and 40 feet of rain gutter tuned with an SGC SG-235 remote wire antenna coupler. Gets me on 80 thru 10 meters at the push of a button - and with the swr lower than 1.14:1 on all bands. Great for those who "can't get on" because of HOA restrictions. You CAN get on!
First licensed as a Novice in 1957 (WN2HLD) in Brooklyn, NY, moving through the ranks from Technician to General then Advanced and finally to Extra in 1971. Have, over the years, operated all bands and modes from 1.8 MHz to 1.2GHz..including AM, CW, FM, SSB, SSTV, A5, and most digital modes. Other operating QTH's included several locations in NJ (1966-1981) Herndon,VA (1981-1990), Raleigh,NC (1990-1993), Plano Texas (1993-2004) and currently Fairview (Dallas) Texas... always operating as W2HLD.
Professionally have worked as an electronics engineer and circuit designer during the aerospace era; have led and directed high tech sales organizations in the telecommunications and computer industries.Holder of a First Class Radio Telephone License, (now a General Class Commercial ticket).Commercial radio experience with WTTM in Trenton, NJ and WLEV-FM in Easton, PA... on the air and in engineering capacities.
Enjoy repairing and restoring vintage radio's - receivers and transmitters. (There is no such thing as a "boat anchor")
Operate vintage equipment on AM and really enjoy the mode and the people are just super!
You can often find me early mornings and evenings on 7.238 MHz, ssb, with the Rotten Apple Group or the 22 Crew, Classroom Net. Frequently on local Dallas area repeater 145.350 PL 100. During the day, I can be found operating AM on 7.160 MHz. and early mornings on 3.890 MHz.
June 15, 2015