Standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona (Route 66)
Kenneth D. 'Ken' Brown
Port Murray, NJ
QCWA # 25850
Chapter 77
Kenneth D. 'Ken' Brown, Esq. W2KB Attorney-at-Law in New Jersey
Photo is of me standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona (on Route 66)
Former ARRL Volunteer Counsel in NJ
Live in Lebanon Township, NJ (Port Murray Post Office)
Fairmont MT-14M1 Speeder; member NARCOA
FRA Qualified brakeman and conductor for Black River Railroad Historical Trust train operations on BR&W RR in NJ.
Member National Railroad Historical Society (NRHS)
Harley Davidson 1995 FXDS-Conv motorcycle; Honda XR650L dual sport motorcycle; member AMA, HOG, HRA
Past Grand Knight of Knights of Columbus St. Joseph's Council 10627 and 4th Degree Faithful Navigator Pope John Paul II Assembly 3293
Compliance Manager - Public Service Electric and Gas Company in Federal NERC Reliability Compliance Group for Electric Transmission
Operate APRS goto http://map.findu.com/w2kb
Vacation area: Tiverton, RI
Other interests SCUBA, Private Pilot Cessna Cardinal C177B N16019 member AOPA, railfan, equestrian, skiing, Science Fiction, Acoustic Guitar
Graduate Marist High School, Bayonne, NJ; New Jersey Institute of Technology (nee Newark College of Engineering) BSIE; Rutgers Graduate School of Management, MBA; Seton Hall University School of Law, JD
May 02, 2016