W2LS 1908 - 2005
 K2TQN - W2LS in his 90's |
William E. 'Bill' Savell
Linwood, NJ
QCWA # 8407
Chapter 5
 K2TQN - W2LS at 15 |

Here's Bill at 15, already licensed
as 3CJJ and working countries in Europe
with his 5-watter. The man on his right
is his Father. |
First Call: 3CJJ in 1923 Other Call(s): 4KW, W3BFU, W3AZK and W4BRY
My first Elmer was Bill Savell, W2LS. He purchased a NC-183D new in 1952. He had some television interference issues with it and National had him returned it to the factory for troubleshooting. Unable to locate the exact problem, in 1953 National offered him another new one with some upgraded circuits in exchange, which Bill gladly accepted. He talked about this for years, about how professionally National had treated him. He treasured this radio until last year when he gave it to me.
In 2003 Bill was almost 95 years old and was in fairly good health. Except during WW-II, he has been licensed continuously since September 8, 1923, that's almost 80 years in ham radio. He was awarded a nice 75-year plaque by the QCWA in 1998.
He was introduced to ham radio while listening on a crystal set and heard his Sunday-School teacher's voice. The next Sunday he asked all the right questions and was pointed to a hobby that would later become his career.
He quickly became an accomplished builder and operator. I have one of his early "3CJJ" QSL card confirmations from station "F-1BX" in Paris France. The date was December 14, 1924. (That's not long after the Trans-Atlantic tests.)
His father was a school photographer and they relocated a few times, moving between the Atlanta area and Virginia while he was growing up. Eventually he moved back to southern New Jersey bringing his new bride, India, with him.
He went to work in the telephone industry, first with Western Electric, then with AT&T. He was assigned to the Manahawkin, New Jersey, radio-receiving site, station WOO. His duties were to maintain the receivers and to set them to the required frequencies for point-to-point communications with countries all over the world. They were used for overseas telephone conversations.
One night while I was waiting for my Novice license to arrive, Bill took my NC-81X receiver and me to work with him at the AT&T overseas receiving station WOO. After he set up AT&T's receivers he had a couple of hours to go over my radio. Using the finest test sets available, he carefully aligned my receiver until it was as good as new. Of course I was overwhelmed with the enormity of all the Western Electric and AT&T equipment there.
Outside the building, it was even more impressive. There was a huge field of Rhombic antennas pointing around the world at every 14 degrees. Bill would switch antennas by patching some cords in the control bay to line-up to the country he was working with. I made up my mind that night; that was the kind of work I wanted to do. (Later I would work for Western Electric.)
Bill was very active chasing DX most of his life. Always a gracious host, he made many friends through ham radio and always-invited foreign hams to visit and stay with him when they were in the area. And they did.
In 1947 Atlantic City hosted the International Radio Conference where representatives from many countries would meet and decide the future spectrum use. (ARRL was an active participant throughout the proceedings. You can read the reports in many of the 1947 QST magazines.) Bill and other local hams were assigned as hosts to the visitors.
Many who were in town to attend the international conference were also hams. And many of them visited Bill's station and stayed for a home cooked dinner expertly prepared by Bill's XYL. A few hams also stayed overnight with Bill during the weekends and when they had time off. - K2TQN

K2TQN - W2LS receiving 75 year arard from Bob Buus W2OD

K2TQN - W2LS in 1958

1947 Atlantic City Hamfest

Bill at work at WOO - AT&T HF station

Card received by 3CJJ, Bill Savell, dated Dec. 14, 1924from F-1BX
The best I can make out of the faded printing is: Tone Good, Antenna Two wire 100 ft.long,
Remarks: Didn'thave an English ..?... ...?..... ....?.... ....?..., Best73s Marciu? Stewart

Entries in W2SL's Guest Book by Carlos, XYL Judy, and Magdalena, HC1MAG. The translation is:
"Just like the sea attracts iron, the great memories of dear friends has brought us today to visit them and here we are happy at your side today on November 21st, 1951."
-HC1FG Carlos
"I.m very pleased to meet such sympathetic friends. I.ll remember all of these passed hours in such great company. Thank you for everything."
-Judy HC1FG
"Dear India and Bill. I.ll always remember you with great care and I hope to see you very soon in Ecuador."
-Magdalena HC1MAG
The QSLs below provided by Pete NL7XM
