W2MZV - July 8, 1987
Herman A. Bohning
Parsippany, NJ
QCWA # 04440
Herman Alfred Bohning was born in Germany in 1909, and came over to this country in the late 1920's. Soon after, he became a ham, originally being part of the club station at the 27 Signal Corp in Yonkers under the call 2NY (later W2NY).
Herman let his license lapse during World War II when he served his adopted American homeland in ways that are still secret even to this day. After the war, he received call W2MZV.
He was a trusted associate of Major Edwin Armstrong, the Father of FM, and he was very important in the founding of the United Nations Amateur Station 4U1UN. He was the QSL manager for many stations, including DXing great Gus Browning W4BPD´s later DXpeditions. He was an Honor Roll DXer, only missing XZ Bouvet and 3Y/P Peter I Island.
Later in life, he became a member of the North Jersey DX Association, and settled in Parsippany, New Jersey. I [W2JT] had the pleasure of meeting him in late 1985, and he was always ready with a riveting story of past adventures, a quick wit, and assistance to a budding DXer. He passed away in 1987, and is sorely missed.
(Source: www.njdxa.org)
Herman served as a sergeant during WWII in the 27th Signal Company of the Army National Guard (NY). During the Korean War (1950-52) [Korean Service Medal], he served in the US Air Force.
Call now held by the Herman A. Bohning Memorial Amateur Radio Club in St Paul, MN
Buried in Gate of Heaven Cemetery, East Hanover, NJ
