Raymond R. 'Ray' Martin
Franklinville, NJ
QCWA # 28824
Chapter 5
Hello, and welcome to my bio: Born in South Philadelphia Pennsylvania in 1945, Licensed in November 1963 as a novice WN2LNR, then my Technician in December 1963 to WB2LNR. From 1963 till Sept. 24th 2005. I'm now W2RM. I have been a Ham Radio operator now for 50 years. I am a Life Member of The ARRL, Life Member of the QCWA, Life Member of the SOWP, IARU Member, ARRL A-1 Operator Club. RCC certificate, Member of the Royal Order of the Wouff Hong. Former ARES/RACES District Emergency Coordinator for Gloucester County, Southern New Jersey. I have my DXCC, 8 BAND WAS, (6 MTR WAS #682) (160 MTR WAS #723). A member of SMIRK # 1363, My 10-10 # is 27671. SKCC # 9703. Past President of The Gloucester County Amateur Radio Club W2MMD (SNJ). While President in 1979 I brought back our annual Hamfest. Past Vice President of The Vineland Repeater Club in (Southern New Jersey). Past Vice President of The Cruiser USS Olympia A.R.C. (WA3BAT) on the Delaware River, at Penns Landing located in Philadelphia PA. President of The Submarine USS BECUNA ARC (N3SUB). Coordinated for a 440 MHz & a two meter repeater here in SNJ. An ARRL & W5YI VEC. I retired from Verizon Communications on June 29, 2002 after 34 years of service. You can find me around 20 Mtrs most of the time, 6 meters when the band is open & CW anywhere plus the digital modes.
Other organization's are: Former President of The Telephone Pioneer's of America. An active Notary Public of the state of New Jersey. The Pitman New Jersey Masonic Lodge F&AM # 197, American Legion Post # 252 in Williamstown NJ, and V.F.W. Post # 2071 in Franklinville, N.J. I'm a disabled, Honorably Discharged U.S. NAVY Veteran, I served/sailed on the following Submarines:USS HAKE SS-256, USS BECUNA SS-319, USS TUSK SS-426, USS BANG SS-385, USS PIPER SS-409, USS SEA OWL SS-405. I served/sailed on the following Destroyers: USS JOHN W. WEEKS DD-701 and her sister ship USS HANK DD-702. Last but not least I was assigned to the heavy cruiser USS SALEM CA-139 as a Naval Reservist while in High School.
My primary job in the Navy was radio communications. I'm also the Editor of one Naval Journal.
A Former school board member of Saint Catherine School in Clayton N.J. and a former member of The Delsea High & Middle Schools in Franklinville New Jersey, serving 1850 pupils teachers and administrators. Both posititions were very rewarding.
Gear at home: Kenwood TS-940-SAT, Icom IC-7000, Amps are ALPHA 87A, my six meter KW is a "King Conversion" SB-220 Heathkit, my two meter KW is a Dentron Clipper-V. Palstar AT- AUTO Antenna Tuner. My CW consists of a custom made N3ZN SLR CW paddle, Vibroplex paddles and MFJ memory keyers make up the rest. Antennas are an Alpha Delta DX-LB PLUS which is 160 thru 10 meter fan, trap dipole at 80 feet, a Crushcraft A4S & 40 meter add-on kit, 2 Butternut verticals, a five element wide spaced six meter beam at 93 feet & 3 elements on 2 meters at 106 feet. An 80 ft self supporting commercial tower and a few telephone poles round out the rest of the wire antennas. A J-38 CW key which I got off The Battleship USS NEW JERSEY BB-62, in 1964 while she was then in mothballs at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. I also have an early CIRCA 1900 BUG made by Horace Martin of Vibrolex
Mobile: IC-706 MK2G, SGC-500 watt amp. High Sierra HS-1800 antenna. IC-2720H & Mirage 160 watt amp in my 1997 Dodge 4 WD pick-up.
Besides our home here in New Jersey we have a Condo in West Palm Beach Florida: always great weather !
For you "COUNTY HUNTERS" the home in Gloucester County Jersey, the grid square is: FM29LP
SUBMARINE USS BECUNA SS-319 "N3SUB" OPERATIONS: One of my passions is operating from the World War II diesel electric submarine The USS BECUNA SS-319 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania Harbor on the Delaware River. The boat holds a lot of good memories for me as it was one of the submarines I sailed on as a radioman in the mid 60'sThe radio room was put back on the air in 1980 as a collective effort with a few good ham radio Submariners and one surface Navy friend. It's been a blast for me to operate from "Becky" as she was lovingly known to all who served on her. She is the very last 1-A Guppy WW II submarine in the world. Most of my radio theory was acquired while I was a Ham Radio Operator in high school and NAVY Radioman School at San Diego California. If you desire a QSL card after a QSO a SASE & IRC's plus Green Stamps are always appreciated. Tnx.
Other hobbies include; Wine making, trap, pistol and rifle shooting, singing Acappella with a local group, I have a fully restored 1984 El Camino muscle car, around 650 horse power. (quarter mile drag racing). A 1986 Red Corvette that my LYL W2PDB bought for me. It was tied up with a big red bow when I got home from the Dayton Hamvention in 2009. What a woman !!!!
Last but not least you can blame my Italian grandfather Giovani Trapuzzano for me being a ham. He had a Philco table top radio in the garage with three bands on it. At the age of 8, I learned how to throw the switch and hear all of those "old timers" with their broad AM signals just engulfing the airwaves. After school I would go to the garage and turn on the radio. It was then I knew that some day I would become a HAM. I remember the day he came home from work (Philadelphia Naval Airplane works at the Navy Yard) and found that I had nailed two by four's on each corner of the garage roof extending two feet in the air and that I had used his insulators to erect a receiving loop. He let me keep it when he heard the reception on the old Philco radio. I sure do miss him.
I also want to thank my elmer (K2UWC) now W3LR who lives in Dallas Pennsylvania for my operating practices all these years. You did a good job teaching me while we were in Woodbury High School, Gloucester County in Southern New Jersey. I remember all too well how you made me a considerate Ham. "THANKS DON" !
My LYL = (Lovely Young Lady & wife), Phyllis holds a General Class license, her call sign is W2PDB. We got married July 26, 2009 - after knowing each other for 37 years. We didn't want to rush anything - we just had to make sure Best regards to all and CW FOREVER !!! Ray