Richard W. Arthur
Charlton, NY
QCWA # 21964
Chapter 95
W2RWA retired in 1999 after teaching at the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Central School in upstate New York for 35 years. Basically a technology teacher, we taught photography, Tech. Drawing, Driver Education, Math, and several other courses. Retired as the Work Experience Coordinator working with students in Mentorships, Internships, Work Study Assignments and other school to work activities.
As a Ham, W2RWA was first licensed a Technician in 1963. Following college, a brief stint in the Air Force OTS. After that a year as a Probation Officer for Schenectady County, NY while teaching for the Niskayuna School System.
On 6 meters, one night contacted WB2GAU who in subsequent years became my father-in-law. Currently an Extra Class operator, I had to keep up with my younger son Dave, (W2DAA) as he went through the licenses. We both took the tests back when we had to pass the grueling 20 WPM Code test as well as the theory questions!
We have three kids, Oldest, Rick is a senior principal engineer at the GE Global Research Center in Niskayuna, N.Y., Amy, our second is basically a special education teacher, now a 'stay at home Mom' creating dog coats and collars through warmwags.com, also makes custom jewelry. Youngest, son David (W2DAA) is a Division Chief at the Volpe Research Center in Cambridge, MA, a part of the US DOT.
Presently active on several bands using an ICOM 7600 with a PW1 Amp and a 3 el. Mosley Classic Beam 55 Feet Up. Also using a K-3 with a Tokyo High Power 1.5K Amp.
Often at Canada Lake in the Southwest region of the Adirondack Mountains(NY) using a Kenwood TS-590 and a G5RV.
Currently the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee for the First New York Federal Credit Union, a 270 Million dollar credit union located in Albany, New York.
Having many interests along with ham radio, I am an avid boater, woodworker, HO Train enthusiast etc. Locally, I am a member and past president of the Burnt Hills Rotary Club, the Charlton Historical Society, Charlton Seniors, BH-BL Retired Teachers' Association and several others.
March 19, 2015