W2SAS 1907 - 1975
Charlton H. 'Carl' Thrasher
Pleasantville, NJ
QCWA # 1205
First Call: W3BDO in 1930
Carlton Thrasher (1907 - 1975), W2SAS, was born on May 22, 1907. He was born into the Thrasher family. He died in September 1975 at 68 years of age.
Carl Thrasher's last known residence is in Egg Harbor Township, Atlantic County, New Jersey. Egg Harbor Township police chief from 1944 - 1946.
Carl was also licensed in the 1920s as W3BDO and was an active member in the Atlantic Radio Club in Pleasantville, NJ, during the 1930s.
The clubhouse was, first occupied in 1931. It was located next to Lake's Bay, on the meadows in Pleasantville NJ, overlooking Atlantic City.
It was destroyed by a fire about 1935. All the radios and club papers were lost. My father, also a member there, said he always thought it was set on fire by some member's wife because he stayed there too late too many times.
Carl was an active builder designing ham gear. He was also active on Teletype (RTTY).
Carl received the "Amateur of the Year" award in 1968 from his club.
When Carl died in 1975 he had a cellar piled high with tools and radios and parts of radios. He had been experimenting with personal computers, planning to build one with IC parts. Six volunteers hauled everything from the cellar to the 3-day yard sale in his yard. The sale provided over $4000 for his widow.
I worked part-time with Carl at an electronics assembly plant in 1968, when I was in the Air Force. When work slacked off, we talked ham radio. I learned much from him.
John Dilks, K2TQN
Mays Landing, NJ

Credit:W3KY club members, Carl bottom left

Credit:W3KY 1930 club house by the bay