Robert M. 'Bob' Winston
Cleveland, OH
QCWA # 19000
Chapter 1
I have been continuously licensed since 1957 with the same call letters. I grew up in the city of New York, borough of Queens, where I graduated from Jamaica High School. I attended Syracuse University and the University of Wiconsin-Madison where I received my B.S. and M.S. in electrical engineering, respectively. I graduated from Fordham Law School and moved to Ohio shortly thereafter where I practiced law in downtown Cleveland for over 35 years. Presently, I live in the country, about 35 miles east of Cleveland.
I have also continuously operated a ham radio station either fixed, mobile or both, since first licensed. I am active in the Ohio Section of the ARRL (life member) as the Assistant Section Manager (ASM) for Northeast Ohio. I am also a Volunteer Counsel (VC) and have had some significant favorable federal and state court decisions regarding PRB-1 and zoning issues.
I am also a life member of the QCWA and serve as president of Cleveland Chapter 1. I support AMSAT as a life member, too. I love amateur radio and hope to be able to participate and contribute for a long time.
August 16, 2016