W2ZI 1899 - 1985
Edward G. 'Ed' Raser
Trenton, NJ
QCWA # 197
OOTC # 38
First Call: RE in 1912 3NG, 3CS and 3ZI
XYL is Pauline, W2QCC
Ed was a Technical Advisor and Radio Supervisor, N. J. State Police Radio System, from 1942/1959; previous employment, Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. 1917, Pioneer Broadcast Engineer established WMAL, 1922, designed and constructed Trenton's first 500 watt station WOAX, 1923/1929, Senior Partner Raser & Kale, 1930/1940; Engineer, Squire Signal Laboratory, Ft. Monmouth, N. J., 1941/1942.
Born April 1, 1899, Bordentown, N. J.; Education: Grade Schools, School of Industrial Arts, Technical Schools in Electrical Engineering and Physics; Military Service, Radio Operator, United States Navy 1917/1921. On duty at Naval Air Station, Cape May, N. J.
Installed and test hopped first 500 cycle spark sets aboard an aircraft. Duty at Naval Radio Stations NSD, NAH, NAI and various Naval vessels; Amateur Call Letters, licensed amateur radio operator since 1914 to date, continuous service. On the air since 1910, experimented with coherer detecting devices as early as 1908 at the age of nine, joined the next year with Hugo Gernsback's Wireless Association of America, one of the earliest wireless clubs in the world. By 1910 he had worked a distance of ten miles with a quarter-inch spark coil, homemade tuner, a piece of silicon mineral, and a 75-ohm telephone receiver. The call letters were then "RE", his initials in reverse. After 1912 he held calls as follows: 3NG (1914) 3CS (1919) 3ZI (1922) W2ZI (1946 to 1985).
Historical collection of over 200 books, magazines, and early data and papers on subject of wireless history, dating back to 1895; Sports, Hobbies, Clubs, etc., Senior Member IRE, Charter Member DeForest Pioneers, Member ARRL since 1915, Co-Founder Delaware Valley Radio Assn., Veteran Wireless Operators Assn., Historian; Antique Wireless Gear, vacuum tubes, Morse and wireless keys, marine radio receivers in the country. Amateur historian and authority on wireless back to 1900. Wireless operator aboard ship from Marconi Co., United Fruit Co., Kilbourne & Clark, U.S. Shipping Board throughout the years, married, Licensed Radiotelegraph 1ST. 1917 to date, amateur extra class license since 1952. DVRA Silver Cup Award for Faithful Service 25 Years, ARRL Public Service Award, cited 5 times.
