W3AZD 1939 - 2020
Donald B. 'Don' Search
Davie, FL
QCWA # 14049
Chapter 12, 69, 111 & 112
First Call: WN3AZD in 1955
YL: Hope WB3ANE Q# 31516
It is with much sadness that I report that Donald Search, W3AZD, resides no longer on Earth for us to enjoy. Happily, he has been given to God for his Eternal care now. I was informed by his nephew, Fred Reed, this morning that his uncle passed away between 2 and 3 am March 26, 2020 as a hospice patient at Wilton Manors Rehab Center. Don had long struggled with health issues related to a fall where he hit his head on a table at a restaurant on December 17, 2019.
Don was enamored of Amateur radio most of his life and worked as a Electronic Technician for Burrows Communications in Maryland among other businesses. He served in the ARRL in Connecticut as Administrator for the DXCC Award for 15 years. Per Hope, he took care of QSL for many, many years too.
Among some of his side interests, Don enjoyed reading about Astronomy. Being devoted to the care of Hope for over 55 years, and being a member of several clubs for Amateur Radio and traveling from one Ham Fest or another, occupied most of his retirement in Florida. He had many friends all over the Northeast of this country as well as locally.
It is impossible to recreate a life in a few paragraphs so I shall not try at this juncture. I will simply say with pride that I knew Donald Search and was very pleased to know him. I will look for him in the stars and hear his voice saying âW3AZDâ for much longer.
Arrangements have not been made to my knowledge thus far but if and when I do find out what is being done, I will pass the word on. Meanwhile, it would be such a kindness if you pray for his longtime partner, Hope Smith, and possibly drop her a line or card to my address in my care so I may make sure she gets it. The address is:
Hope Smith
c/o Melanie Fernandez
4860 NW 3 ST, Apt D
Delray Beach, FL. 33445.
I do not know at this time where Hope will be residing in the near future and I want to make sure the mail gets to her. Thank you for every prayer that went upon Donâs behalf. I am sure God heard them.
Melanie Fernandez, KJ4VCT
President, Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association

Dayton 1997 - Hope WB3ANE and Don W3AZD

Dayton 2014 - Don W3AZD and Hope WB3ANE
