Richard C. 'Rick' Johnson
Allentown, PA
QCWA # 22402
Chapter 17
I was born in Kansas City MO in 1937 and moved to Prairie Village KS at age 4. Graduated Shawnee Mission HS in 1955 and joined the Navy the same year. Was a control tower operator for 4 years before changing over to Aviation Electronics Technician. Flew aircrew on P2 type aircraft as radio operator and sensor operator and C-118 aircraft as radio operator and loadmaster/second mech.
I have 4 sons and 1 daughter, grandkids out the wazoo and 5 great grandkids.
I'm making a strong effort to spend all the kids inheritance and have a little to go. I plan for the last check I write to bounce.
All computers are off lease "specials" and monitors bought on close out specials. Home network is Network Magic .. a super easy way to network several computers and share components. Now building new multi core computer and using Win7.
I retired from the Navy in 1976 and went to work for a hot oil pipeline doing electronics flow control and measurements amongst other repairs and installations. Was on call 24/7/365 for 25 years, so am now sleeping late in the mornings (0700).
I learned Morse in the Boy Scouts but didn't see much use for it as I wasn't lucky enough to have an Elmer at that age. I was listening to an old Zenith TransOceanic radio and heard Morse .. asked another person what it was and he translated it for me. I was hooked and learned the code. That enabled me to become an airborne radio operator and earn an extra $55/month "hazardous duty" pay. Now I must pay out of pocket for my travel.
My Elmer, KØEDX, talked me into taking the test for Amateur Radio. I did and passed quite easily as I was in electronics already and had code up to 20 wpm and became KNØWEU. I took the test and received my Extra as soon as it was made known I would lose my favorite 25kc of each band.
I was quite active doing Navy MARS traffic for some years but that has slacked off and I am now back to the Real Ham Radio ... CW & JT65.
If you hear me calling, please stop by for my daily CW fix.
Current interest besides CW is JT65. Very interesting mode.
WSPR is on 24/7 on 30 meters.
Health and Happiness to you and yours.
November 4, 2014