Charles F. Olson
Gambrills, MD
QCWA # 25683
Chapter 20
I have continued to enjoy this hobby and the wonderful people associated with it for over 58 years. My original call, K2JPV was issued in 1954, but have held my present call, W3CVD since moving to Maryland in 1965. I am proud to be a Charter Member and co-founder of the Maryland Mobileers Amateur Radio Club dating back to 1969. I am also a member of the ARRL, Ten Ten International #42417, The Quarter Century Wireless Assn. (Chesapeake Chapter #20) and an associate member of the OBX Repeater Assoc. I respond 100% to SWL's and QSL's via the Bureau, e-QSL, or direct mail (no return postage necessary). Sorry I do not subscribe to L .O.T.W., but I will confirm all contacts via QRZ Logbook.
I have over four decades of Active Service in Anne Arundel County, MD with the Volunteer Fire Serviceand I am proud to be an inductee into the AA County Volunteer Firefighters Association,HALL of FAME. I continue to serve actively in an administrative capacity with my home company, the Odenton Volunteer Fire Company. In the past I have served in both administrative, EMS and fire suppression positions with the O.V.F.C. as a Board Member,Past President, Firefighter, EMT (Lieut.) and have been appointed to the position of Life Member.
Once again I plan to operate portable as W3CVD/4 from ocean front on the beach in S. Nags Head, on the Outer Banks of NC in early May of 2016. QSL direct or via the Bureau to W3CVD. A special E-QSL is available by request to my W3CVD/4 account on e-QSL.
PORTABLE PSK STATION: Yaesu FT-897 (20 watts), Dell Laptop running WindowsXP and DIGIPAN S/W, Interface RIGblaster NOMIC, Antenna: Dipole Configured "HAMSTICKS" on a 15' Mast
SSB Setup: Kenwood TS-870, MFJ-986 tuner. Antenna: Trap Dipole (75,40,20and 15 Mtrs)
November 28, 2016