W3FAF - November 10, 2011
John H. Thomas
Mahtomedi, MN
QCWA # 22853
OOTC # 4116
Dr. John Henry Thomas III, of Sellersville, formerly of Mahtomedi, Minn. and Bucks County, PA, died Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011, at Rockhill Mennonite Community where he was a resident. He was 70. He was the husband of Saralyn (Kott) Thomas with whom he shared 43 years of marriage. Born on Oct 13, 1941 in Bridgewater, PA, he was a son of the late John H. Thomas Jr. and Anna (Mace) Thomas.
Dr. Thomas received a Bachelor of Science in 1965 in Electrical Engineering from Drexel University. He went on to complete a Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Physics from Lehigh University in 1967 and 1971, respectively.
He spent the early years of his career as a member of the technical staff at Bell Laboratories in Columbus, Ohio. In 1977, he joined the technical staff of RCA Laboratories in Princeton, NJ.
In 1992, he moved on and became a Senior Specialist at 3M Corporate Research. He retired from 3M in 2001. He also worked as an Adjunct Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics at The Pennsylvania State University and was a Research Associate at the University of Minnesota's Characterization Facility. Over his long career, Dr. Thomas received several patents and authored numerous scholarly articles and technical texts.
Dr. Thomas had three main hobbies. He is perhaps best known for his 50+ years of operating Amateur (Ham) Radio. He was an active member of several radio clubs, won many contests and awards, most recently a life-time achievement award from the American Radio Relay League. He was an advocate for amateur radio and was dedicated to it both for the fun of meeting people across the world and because of its role in helping people during emergency situations.
Dr. Thomas was also a sailing enthusiast, loved creating art and photography, and was an amateur astronomer and ARRL Life Member.
W3FAF QRZ.com page:
First Licensed January 1956 as "WN3FAF" at age 14 in Bucks County, PA as a Novice and June 1956 as W3FAF, General Class.
PSE QSL: via Direct, ARRL QSL Bureau or e-QSL. I QSL 100% and enjoy it!
I have been in the frozen north lands for the past 17 years but spent most of my life in Pennsylvania in Bucks County, PA (Philadelphia area). During a sojourn in Ohio (1970-78), I was licensed as W8LTA (now reissued). I was introduced to Amateur Radio in 1954 by local friends; some radio SWLers, Smitty W3GSO (SK) and Bob W3BHP (ex 3BHP, SK) and CW lessons (became my first love!) by John W3IEV (SK). My call was reissued and was originally held by a ham in Camden NJ! John W3CNN and I studied together for our General Class license. After receiving my license, my father also became a ham, John W3LRF (SK). We had a lot of great times with the radio.
I work MOSTLY CW (with a few excursions to other modes if and when so inclined) and choose to use my old Vibroplex Champion most of the time. Straight keying is done either with a Kent or my antique radio shack gold key. I don´t have a key collection but do have a few bugs including a vintage 3 way bug called "The Lytle Triplex" manufactured by Precision Thermometer & Instrument Co., Philadelphia PA serial no 1101 Patented Feb 12, 1924. This key was left to me by my friend Bob W3HEJ (also held N3DJZ) (SK). You can see good photos of this key on the web by googling it. I also have an old 1936 (original issue) Speedx left to me by my old friend John, W3EER (SK).
Professional: I am a retired Industrial Physicist: BS-Electrical Engineering 1965, MS-Physics 1967 and Ph.D.- Solid State Physics Jan.,1971 (Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA). I worked at Bell Labs, RCA Labs and 3M R&D.
Club Member Membership: QRPARCI #5758, FISTS #2590, Old Old Timer´s Club, A1-Operators Club, Society of Wireless Pioneers LM #0276TA, Stillwater AR Assn, Saint Paul RC, (3M) Mining RC-retiree, SEMARC and the Radio Jove Project. I was very active in Penn Wireless Assn (Bucks County ARC), the CRES Amateur Radio and Electronics Club, W8ZPF and the David Sarnoff Radio Club.
Activities: I am an active member of ARRL as Official Relay Station, Official Emergency Station, Official Observer, and Minnesota Section Technical & OO-Coordinator. I have been involved in Traffic Handling since the 1950s. I enjoy QRP when conditions permit; Rag Chewing; the ARRL National Traffic System CW on Minnesota Section Net, TEN-Tenth Region Net, Central Area Net & Trans-Continental Corps; also some DXing; and Straight Keying [SKCC 877C]. I am presently Net Manager of the Central Area Net cycle 3/4 and falling asleep at the key!
When so inclined, my favorite contests are ARRL 160M, MN QSO Party, ARRL Sweepstakes, CQ WPX & Field Day. I haven't been very active contesting recently.
Equipment: Ten Tec Omni VI+, Kenwood TS480, 3-811A Amp, Drake C-line, Kenwood TS130V QRP, Elecraft K2/1ØSN005794, Elecraft K1 SN02025 solar powered, Yaesu FT847 VHF.
Antennas: 160M dipole at 60 ft, Force 12 C3SS at 45 ft, Force 12 6EL 15M beam, Cushcraft 15 el 2M, Hygain 4 el 6M, Cushcraft MA8040V Vertical + 32 Radials, 80M Dipole, 80M Inv L (sort of!) elevated with 5 radials.
Other interests: Radio Astronomy primarily of Jupiter and Solar HF emissions. As a retiree, I work at the Univ. of Minn. in Surface Science Research (part-time) and support the NASA RadioJove Project when I am not involved in ham radio! Too much reading. I also like to Homebrew equipment and repair.
73 - John
Obituary/biography: www.phillyburbs.com
