Richard A. 'Tony' Cuttone
Levittown, PA
QCWA # 38024
Chapter 5
First Call: KB3AAL issued in 1992
On the air, and everywhere else, friends call me "Tony". If that's what's in your log, thanks for the QSO!
The original attraction to ham radio for me was, and still is, DX! There is something about the thrill of working a new one, or just knowing that your signal is propagating around the world, that is incomparable. To hear your callsign come back at you through the ether, whether it's busting a pile-up or answering a lonely "CQ", you know you're enjoying the greatest and most universal hobby in the world: Amateur Radio.
I finally went HF mobile in October 2010, and now do most of my operating from the truck {since May 2015, my Honda Ridgeline}. I run an Icom IC-706MKIIG into an SGC SG-231 Smartuner (through a TCI-1 tune control from AA4PB), with a 108" SS whip mounted on a custom Breedlove mount/insulator combo for HF (https://www.breedlovemounts.com/), and a Cushcraft CS-270 dual band antenna on an NMO lip-mount for VHF/UHF.
My QRZ Logbook reflects only my contacts made while mobile - also see W3FLH/M.
The shack, as currently situated. I'm running the Yaesu FT-990 into a Butternut HF6VX (ground-mounted vertical w/30 radials) and a homebrew 1/2 wave 80m dipole @ 35 feet. The Datong FL-3 audio filter helps a lot with taming the incoming signals, while the Heathkit HM-2140 handles the metering duties. Last, a Heil PR-20 feeds the W2IHY 8-band EQ. The mask is signed by hockey legend Bernie Parent.
At BucksJam14, a Special Event station for the BSA Scouting Jamboree/Washington Crossing Council (Wrightstown, PA). WARC operated the radio demo station to promote the Radio Merit Badge {with, L-R: Ron NY3J, Vinny K3VJP (SK), me, Carl KC3BRO}.
Five years after my first trip with WARC. I organized a return visit to ARRL HQ and had another opportunity to operate W1AW. Band conditions were not as generous this trip, but it's always a thrill to put the most famous of all amateur callsigns on the air!
As one of my last ventures as President of WARC, I made my first ever pilgrimage to Hamvention (Xenia, OH), along with some friends from WARC and FRC {pictured: current WARC President George KC3ESH, 100 Watts and a Wire podcaster Christian Cudnik K0STH & myself}. Despite the obligatory rain, it was a great trip, and I will certainly go back again. I highly recommend that every ham make the time to get there at least once; it truly is ham radio Mecca.
Off the air, my other hobbies include motorcycles, golf, pool, and a little bit of vinyl record collecting. That's myself & the XYL riding the Loop in Daytona Beach, FL.
I've also held the calls KB3AAL (1992-1997: Novice & Tech Plus) & N3ZIP (1997-2005: General).
ARRL - Life Member
Warminster Amateur Radio Club - Past President
Frankford Radio Club
QCWA, Chapter 5
100WaaW #1664
SKCC #5287
Ten-Ten #74793
TBDXC #718

[Photo: March 2010 - Inset: Me & my XYL (Donna) at a Philadelphia Flyers' playoff game]

[Photos: May 2016/Nov. 2018 - Mobile install in 2009 Honda Ridgeline RTS]

[Photo: October 2014]
May 26, 2019