John K. Shorb
Scarbobough, ME
QCWA # 33833
Chapter 134
icensed since 1960. Originally K3NAR in Maryland and also held W8JLL while living in Cincinnati. Have held W3FSA since early '70's and this call has followed me around Pennsylvania and to Maine (for past 28+ yrs). My operations are approx. 90% cw, now mostly on 40 and 20. I am also an avid QRPer and have had some sort of QRP rig for most of my ham career. My only QRO rigs are an old Yaesu FT-101 (1975), and a Heath DX-40 (1960) both of which still work great. QRP rigs include an Elecraft K2 and an MFJ-9420, both of which I often use mobile. Often use a TenTec R4020 from the bedroom ..... I keep this 3-4 watt transceiver by the bed for late night and early AM qsos. Also, use a Tuna Tin II on 40 cw and have a 'working' old single 6AG7 oscillator (built from an old ARRL Handbook and good for 3-4 watts) that is operable on 80m and 40m. 'Working vintage gear' includes a Heath DX-40 and VF-1, Heath AR-3 receiver and QF-1, Hammarlund HQ-129x, National NC-98 and NC-183D receivers. Have only ever used wire antennas (except when operating mobile with a Hustler) and my most used current antenna is a G5RV at 40 ft.
My primary location is Scarborough, a suburb of Portland, Maine. I am 10 mins from the ocean and a beautiful beach and 15 mins from downtown Portland, a wonderful small city with a now national reputation for wonderful food and restaurants. I have another location in the beautiful mountain village of Bethel, Maine which is about 65 mi NW of Portland and 25 mi due E of Mt. Washington, NH. I have had many wonderul QSOs with many of you from both locations.
Look for me mostly between 7.025 - 7.040 MHz (esp monitor the 7030 KHz area), 14.025 - 14.050 MHz and around 14.200 MHz. Also check in regularly on ECARS, 7.255 MHz.
Also enjoy fly fishing, skiing, hiking, backpacking, photography, bicycling, boating (I enjoy a lake boat as well as an ocean boat); a less active interest is all sorts of music but especially jazz and blues; I play several musical instruments but mostly alto & tenor sax and clarinet.... so, you see, my profession is hobbies !!!
To see my real vocation check out website: www.thedelphigroup.com
73's .... John
FISTS #3638; ECARS #3814; OOTC #4466; QCWA #33833; QRP-ARCI #14644; NAQCC #1696; NEQRP #764; SKCC # 11279
March 13, 2015