Phillip O. Simila
Green Bay, WI
QCWA # 33972
Chapter 219
First licensed in May1969 as WN3MLI in Arnold,MD while a junior in High School.Passed my General class in September 1970 in Washington,DC.Became WA3MLI days before attending Ohio University in Athens,Ohio . Was very active in 1970-1974 from Athens,Ohio. as WA3MLI/8 and W8PZS. Was VP and President of the Ohio University Amateur Radio Club from 1970to 1973. Pretty much inactive from 1974-1977 ,when I moved to Green Bay,WI and was assigned WD9HBX.
Became W3TOS in 2008, in tribute to my Dad, Oiva Simila, N3OS (W3TOS was one of his many previous calls). Current station includes an Icom 718 transceiver, A Yaesu FT-817, Heathkit HW-8 Transmitter,Ten Tec 4030 QRP,Kenwood TS-520S, and the original Heathkit SB 101 receiver.
Active on CW,FM repeaters,occasional SSB. Favorite bands include 40,20,30,80,and 17 Mters. Current serving as President of Chapter 219 QCWA NortheastWisconsin- UPMichigan, Previously President of the Green Bay Mike and Key Club 1978-1980.
I am a registered Instructor with ARRL. I hasve taught classes to College students, Non-credit adults,soon to be Learning in Retirement (retired adults), Boy Scouts,and 5th graders in elementary school.
Hope to work you on the bands. Soon to be bike mobile.73s.
June 15, 2015