W3UCC 1920 - 2008
Quentin S. Hoshal
Bel Air, MD
QCWA # 21070
Chapter 150
First Call: KL7ACX in 1950 Other Call(s): W5CHM
Quentin S. Hoshal, a retired military veteran and businessman, died Thursday of respiratory failure at Northwest Hospital Center in Randallstown. He was 87.
Mr. Hoshal, a longtime Bel Air resident, was born in Duluth, Minn. He joined the Army in 1940 and became an officer in the Army Signal Corps the next year.
He served during World War II in Europe, including in the Battle of the Bulge. He was awarded the Combat Infantry Badge, a Bronze Star and several other awards. During the war, his family was recognized as a "Five-Star Family" because Mr. Hoshal, his father, and three brothers all served at the same time. After the war, Mr. Hoshal trained the ski troop class at Camp Hale in Colorado. His wife, Norma Irene Hoshal, died of cancer in 1966.
Mr. Hoshal, known by many as "The Colonel," retired from the military in 1965 as a lieutenant colonel. While raising six children, he worked in insurance sales, convoy accompaniment and securities sales, retiring in 1988. He also was a lifelong ham radio operator. Family members recalled Mr. Hoshal's pride in his military service. During his first visit to the World War II memorial in Washington, strangers approached him to thank him for serving his country. "I'm so proud of all his service to his country and so proud that people recognized that when he wore his World War II veterans cap," said his daughter, Bonnie Montcalmo of Towson. Anthony Montcalmo said his father-in-law will be remembered for his personality. "He was recognized for his good spirits and his pleasant, chivalrous manner," he said.
A funeral Mass will be offered at 11 a.m. tomorrow at St. Margaret Roman Catholic Church, 141 Hickory Ave. in Bel Air.
Mr. Hoshal is survived by five other children, William Hoshal of Ocean Pines, Corine Murphy of Arvada, Colo., Nancy Horka of Parkville, David Hoshal of Baltimore and Richard Hoshal of Baltimore; and two brothers, Todd Hoshal of Sacramento, Calif., and Leo Hoshal of Bel Air.