W3YOZ 1938 - 2020
Martin E. Johnson
West River, MD
QCWA # 13278
Chapter 203
First Call: WN3YOZ in 1954
Trustee for W3SO (a VHF contest station located on top of a mountain in WPA, FN00) and W3OSO (an eight acre waterfront site for 160 meters on Chesapeake Bay). QCWA #13278, OOTC #3238. Licensed since March 3, 1954. Horseshoe Radio Club - Altoona, PA (1954), Breezeshooters - Pittsburgh, PA (1957), Potomac Valley Radio Club (1960), A-1 Operator Club.
CW, SSB, 160 meters is the favorite band. Contests, verticals, radial systems (underwater, ground level, elevated), tower construction.
The station site is on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay. The West River is a tidal branch. There are three towers on the end of a point; one is on the end of a pier. All are 1/4 wave on 160 meters.
B.S. Electrical Engineering - Penn State (1960), M.S.E.E. - Univ. of Illinois (1962), M.A. Anthropology - Univ. of Maryland (1976). Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Tau honor societies.