Daniel T. Ruth
Allentown, PA
QCWA # 30851
Chapter 17
First licensed as WN2FAQ in 1976 in Rockaway, NJ. Extra class since 1995. Other calls held: WB2FAQ / 1977-78, KA3AQV/ 1978-95.
Primary radio interests: RTTY contesting, minor repair of equipment, antenna experimentation, collecting tube CB radios from the 60's.
Current station: Heathkit SS-9000
Other hobbies: (Piano) Accordion related anything
Hi there!! Got my first license (WN2FAQ) in 1976 and upgraded to General class about 1 year later (WB2FAQ). Took my General class as Varick St. in New York when the FCC was still administering the exams! What memories :-) Moved back home to Pennsylvania, where I became KA3AQV. Now I sport my Elmer's call (John Marsh), W3ZF.
As you can see from my picture, I have an affinity for Heathkits. I am currently running the SS-9000 - the crown jewel of Heath's HF rigs. My webpage shows off more of my station. Check it out!!
My interests are: CW, SSB, RTTY (still have my working Model 28ASR) and packet. I also collect old tube CB radios (Trams, Demcos, Brownings).
My wife and I are High School sweethearts (married: 1973) and we have two (grown) kids: Ann (b. 1975) and Jeff (b. 1976). I graduated from Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA and was a Business/German major. I just retired from Air Products and Chemicals on 07/07/07. My wife is a retired Kindergarten teacher at our Catholic school. Ann is a travelling Registered Nurse. Jeff's in the US Navy.
I collect things related to (and like to play) the accordion. I have a rather large collection of "Accordiana" (sheet music, books, records/tapes/CDs). I have a midi'ed Titano Virtuoso purchased new in 1988.
June 12, 2015