W4AUP - December 10, 2009
William P. 'Pete' Sides
Montgomery, AL
QCWA # 04030
OOTC # 1471
Chapter 49
William Peyton "Pete" Sides of Montgomery, Alabama died December 10, 2009. He was born April 10, 1908 in Walker Co. Alabama.
Pete was long time resident of Bessemer after which he moved to Montgomery in 1937. He was an Alabama Power Co. supervisor from 1930 to 1971 when he retired. He was a very active Amateur Radio operator, licensed since 1930 with the call of W4AUP. He was a charter member of The Birmingham Amateur Radio Club, The Montgomery Amateur Radio Club, QCWA, and The Antique Wireless Association.
He was a member of ARRL also serving as director. He was a member of the Alabama Historical Radio Society and major contributor to the AHRS Museum in the Power Co. Bldg. downtown Birmingham.