Robert D. 'Bob' Moseson
Phenix City, AL
QCWA # 13078
PHOTO: This picture was taken in Bob's upstairs bedroom while a senior in High School, 1957. The big black rack in front of him is a Millen Amplifier using a pair of V70D's Class C. Not able to afford a plate modulator, he used a homebrew cathode modulator which was probably only good for 50~60% modulation at best, but gave a break from CW! The exciter was a Heathkit AT-1, the Receiver was a Hammarlund HQ-120X, and the antenna was a half wave dipole fed with 72ohm twin lead. No swr or watt meters in those days! Just cut it by formula, and run it!
BIOGRAPHY: Bob was 1st licensed as WNØSKT in January, 1954 at age 14 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In 1955 he moved to the little town of Ayr, North Dakota near Fargo, as WØSKT. He held that call until moving south in 1965. It was then the FCC issued him the W4CFF call. Although this is a re-issue call, it is a non-vanity call sign!
Bob's Ham Radio interests are mainly rag chewing with old friends, and collecting and operating antique radio equipment. He also enjoys enjoys collecting stamps, coins, and various other types of antiques. Bob and his wife Wanda have a 5th wheel travel trailer, and both enjoy traveling as often as possible. Bob is active in the Masonic Fraternity, being a Past Master of Wilson Williams Lodge #351 located in Phenix City, Alabama and active in both the York Rite, and Scottish Rite.
August 26, 2015