WAS FORMERLY WA4DAX I was originally licensed in 1972 as WN4DAX.(WOW That's 40+ years!!) I upgraded to WA4DAX and advanced class in 1973 I eventually upgraded to 20 wpm Extra in 1976. I changed call to W4DAX in February 2010. I am the Founder and first President of the Trident Amateur Radio Club in Charleston, SC. www.tridenthams.org I again served as the club President 40 years later! I also served as the SCM (SM) of South Carolina from 1975 to 1977. I was born and raised in Tonawanda, NY and came to Charleston in 1967 with the US Navy and served in the US Submarine Service. ![]() I left active duty in 1975 and worked in the Charleston Naval Shipyard until 1990 (Just after Hurricane Hugo) I spent the 90.s in the DC area. I lived all over the DC area including West Virginia but retired from the federal Government and came "home" to Charleston in 2000. I retired from the US Navy Reserve as an ETC(SS) in 1991 after recall to active duty for Operation Desert Storm. I am a member of the US Submarine Veterans Inc. - Charleston Base and I am the custodian of the club call N4SSN. I work 99% CW (If it isn't CW it's just CB) and I am trying to get my CW speed back up. when Men were bold and sideband not invented the word was passed by pounding brass and all were contented" ![]() My rig is an Icom IC - 746PRO and the current antenna is a G5RV up about 25 feet. My telephone number is 843-442-5650. My e-mail is w4dax@arrl.net I would love to hear from any hams or submarine veterans. Love to send and receive QSL cards. I will return 100%. No SASE required or desired. 73 Tom W4DAX ARRL Life Member SKCC 6059T FISTS # 11705 Flying Pigs # 2853 10-10 # 74416 May 22, 2015 |