Richard A. 'Rick' Schmiedt
Mount Pleasant, SC
QCWA # 20478
Op is Rick, and QTH is in Mount Pleasant, SC USA (FM02) -- near Charleston SC. Have been a ham since 1962, originally operating from Cleveland, OH, Then Syracuse NY, then St. Louis, MO and now in SC. And yes, I did work for GE for 3 years back in the early 70's as an engineer in Syracuse.
Current rig is an Elecraft K3, P3, KPA500, KAT500 tuner, and now a new Acom 1500 amp going into a XMatch tuner.
Antennas are
1) an Off Center Fed dipole on all bands using 400 ohm ladder line, a 4:1 balun and coax into the shack;
2) a DX Engineering 43 ft vertical with 1,000 ft of radial ground wire;
3) a K4KIO Hex beam at 35 feet (11M); and
4) a Pixel magnetic receiving loop.
Logging is with N3FJP ACLog.

QSL via LoTW (best), eQSL, ClubLog or via the Buro.
I enjoy Dxing, Contests, and Experimenting with new antennas and accessories.
C U on the air!
Rick, W4GE
October 27, 2015