Frank W. 'Wayne' Ashworth
Salisbury, NC
QCWA # 33242
Chapter 126
Name is "Wayne." I go by my middle name instead of Frank. Personal web page is at www.w4hg.com
I was originally licenced in 1955 as KN4CDZ, later K4CDZ in Winston-Salem, NC. Mostly a CW operator with a special interest in DX (Honor Roll) and QRP. I can usually be found on the low end of whichever band is open to the world.
Zone 2 QSLs for K4CDZ/VE8 are still available if anyone needs one.
K4CDZ was traded in 1976 for the present call of W4HG. I am in Rowan County (EM95tp) and my 10X is 9242. I am also a member of SKCC (#5192), CWops (#494), QCWA (#33242), QRPARCI (#12293), and am an A1-OP.
I'm a life member or ARRL, a member of the Rowan Amateur Radio Society (Salisbury NC) and the Carolina DX Association (CDXA).
The present station is a Ten Tec Orion II transceiver with Ten Tec Titan III and Kenwood TL-922 Amplifiers.
Antennas are a 3 element SteppIR with 30/40M dipole for 10 to 40 and G5RV for 80. For QRP I use a Elecraft K2 (#02335).
I still enjoy QSLing (no SASE required) and upload all logs to LOTW regularly.
73, Wayne
January 30, 2015