W4IA - June 6, 1977
Everett L. 'Ev' Battey
Warrenton, VA
QCWA # 325
Born: May 30, 1909
First Call: W1UE Other Call(s): KA2AW and SVØWAA
Everett Battey, W4IA, handle "Ev", Ex-W1UE, KA2AW, SVØWAA, was born May 30, 1909, and was first licensed in September 1925 as W1UE. He served on the ARRL staff as Assistant Communications manager for 12 years beginning 1929. He was ARRL Director, Roanoke Division and as SCM/RM of eastern Massachusetts. First two way contact 1925. Occup: Retired. Joined ARRL as Asst. Comms. Mgr. in 1929.
Went with US Navy Reserves in 1940, Officer in Charge of Radio School and served with Bureau of Naval Personnel at Washington, DC. While in Japan in 1953, as a commander in the Navy, he was DX station KA2AW. Earned wallpaper: ORS, RM, WAS (2-letter calls), RCC, OTC, QCWA, A-1 Opr, DXCC (130), CP-35, ROOA & YLCC (101).
Back with ARRL after WW2, until 1947, then civilian associate with Bureau of Naval Personnel, returning to active duty 1949- 1953, retiring as Commander. Then, followed various Govt. civilian assignments as Comms. Specialist in Washington, Phillipines and Greece. Retiring in 1966.
Member ARRL, QCWA, DXCC, WAD, A-1, OTC, RCC, ROWH, plus public service awards. SK 1977.
Philip (son) is W3FZV
