Joey A. Ferguson
Pawleys Island, SC
QCWA # 31155
Chapter 225
That's me huggin-up on Wonder Woman(Lynda Carter) in case any of you are wondering.
First licensed in 1974 as WN4NNL, I soon upgraded to General and my call was changed to WB4NNL. During this time, I was a member of the ETSU Ham Radio Club and worked CW between classes at college. In late 1975, Sandy and I were married and I transferred to UT Knoxville. There I passed my Advanced test and joined the W4EAL University Radio Club where I operated on several occasions until graduation in 1977.
Earned the Extra Class license in November of 1979 and assigned the call KF4R.
W4JF was issued via the vanity call sign program in late November 1996.
Geritol #2271
December 04, 2015