W4JM - August 28, 1993
Director 1985
Director 1987 - 1992
James A. 'Jim' Gundry
Lake Helen, FL
Atlanta, GA
Chicago, IL
Wumette, IL
Dearborn, MI
QCWA # 3443
Chapter 10 & 49
Born: May 5,1918
First Call: W8KNP Other Call(s): W4FQX, W8KTF, W9KNP and W9WFW
James A. Gundry, W4JM, a native of Pontiac, Michigan, was born May 5, 1918. He has been an Amateur radioman for more than 50 years, hold ca11s: W8BV, W8KNP, W9KNP , W4FQX, KAlAA, KAlSS (in the Philippine Islands in 1945-46).
James holds QCWA Certificate #307 for 50-Years Continuously licensed operation. He is an Extra Class licensee and holds commercial grade licenses too.
Jim has been an active member of radio clubs in Pontiac, Ml, in Cleveland, Milwaukee, Chicago, Dayton, Detroit, Jacksonville, Atlanta and Lakeland, FL. He has held officer positions in QCWA Chapters in Atlanta and Lakeland. He is an ARRL Life Member with 50 years tenure. He has been ORS, RM OPS and ASCM. He is presently Assistant EC for Polk County Florida.
Jim has six years active duty with U. S. Army Signal Corps and General Staff Corps during WWII. Finished his Army career as Director of Training, Signal Corps School, Western Pacific, Manila, PI. He has been employed 19 years in sales and market, Pontiac Motor Division, GM Corp., 2 Ford Motor; 20 years, Field Account Supervisor (Chrysler Corporation Account), Young & Rubicam Advertising Agency. Teaching experience includes Signal Corps Officer Candidates, General Motors Institute ; Ford Motor Company Marketing Institute and Florida Southern College at Lakeland .
Jim is now retired and active on all bands, phone and CW operation.