Shelly F. 'Mitch' Mitchell
Opelika, AL
QCWA # 22866
I received my first license in June 1963, so I have now been licensed for 51+!!! years. I am a life member of the ARRL, the QCWA, and the OOTC. My FIST member number is 1467.
I am the former owner (1994-2009) of The Vibroplex Co., Inc., the oldest name in ham radio. I passed Vibroplex on to Scott Robbins W4PA (formerly of TenTec) in December 2009. Scott is doing a fabulous job of continuing the Vibroplex tradition. Visit the Vibroplex web site at www.vibroplex.com and buy a key from Scott.
I am in Opelika, Lee County, AL, EM72hq. My mail address in Alabama is PO Box 270, Opelika, AL 36803-0270.
I am now on D-STAR, and am excited about this mode! I have an Icom IC-V82, ID-31A, ID-51A, ID-880H mobile and a 70 cm DVAP.
My other "hobby", since I retired in 2009, is genealogy. I am a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, Sons of the American Colonists, the Society of the War of 1812 and the SCV. I have learned more American History doing genealogy than I ever learned in school!
73, Mitch, W4OA
December 18, 2015